We kept it simple at had pizza (delicious pizza, I might add). Eliot had so much fun running around and playing with his cousins. He definitely had a wonderful party-- and the weather couldn't have been any more perfect if we tried. I guess September isn't a bad month to have a birthday.

When Ted asked him the following day what his favorite present was he replied "All of them." He's such a sweet child (and so politically correct). I can't believe he's been in our life for 3 years-- what did we EVER do with our time without him?? I honestly can't remember (vaguely remembering 1AM trips to Walmart in Salem, but other than that.... drawing a blank).
I know I speak for both Ted and myself when I say that we truly feel blessed with the best little boy. He is so special in so many ways. Our lives our better with him in it and we are better people because of Eliot.

Oh, and I just wanted to make a cute little note that Eliot had requested that everyone say "surprise" upon his entrance. Ted made sure to get him to the party a tad late so everyone could "surprise" him.
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