The title of the article was: “Backhoe Gene” afflicts Maguire.
The first two paragraphs of the article (written by Gordon Vincent in the Middlesex East newspaper) are below:
In construction parlance, it’s known as the “backhoe gene.” And those who have it are aware of it at a very early age.
For Woburn’s Kevin Maguire, evidence of the backhoe gene emerged when he was just 5 or 6 years old. Maguire, who now operates his own construction business, remembers Route 93 being built during his formative days and being enthralled by watching the trucks.
The article went on to tell about Mr. Maguire's childhood experiences and also explained how he is now in a group called the Northeast RockBusters, a group of of construction equipment aficionados. That group was going to be at the Burlington Truck Day the coming Sunday.
Eliot's response to the photo on the cover and my Mother-in-Law's explanation of the article?
"I'd like to meet him." (Very profound for a 3 year old!)
So, this past Sunday, we set out to see all the trucks at Burlington Truck day, but with a particular goal in mind; to meet Mr. Maguire.
We went nice and early with our newspaper article in hand. Alas, we found Mr. Maguire's station. We explained to Eliot that this was the man from the newspaper and Mr. Maguire even agreed to get his photo taken with Eliot. He even gave Eliot a magazine (catalog) of diggers. Eliot LOVES that magazine!
Mr. Maguire asked us "So you think he has the backhoe gene?"
I think, without question, Eliot has the backhoe gene. I think either his second or third word was "digger." It's funny the article said you know if you have the gene by age 5 or 6. I think we knew Eliot had it before he turned 2!
I can't wait to see how my Eliot's backhoe gene develops.

Those are awesome pictures Kara. I bet Eliot was in his glory. I would be if that was my primary goal and it was fullfilled. I am so very happy for him.