Sad to say that my sweet 2 year old is rapidly turning into a 3 year old-- one that has tantrums and stuff. The terrible twos didn't hit until about 2 weeks ago or so. We knew it had to hit sometime!
He is still the cutest thing though. The things he says are priceless.
The other day we were over my friends house. She has a little boy who is 2 and a baby girl named Sophia. We spent the morning there and on the drive home he told me he "likes that baby."
I told him "That baby's name is Sophia."
He said "I call him digger."
I said "Well, it's a she, and her name is Sophia."
He said: "Well, I call him digger."
He won.
Of course when I finally get the quiet chance to sit down in front of the computer, all the cute and funny things he has said over the course of the last month flee me. Ted & I are always sharing cute stories of what Eliot said that day though.
A few weeks ago Eliot got in trouble for screaming. After a few minutes he said "Daddy, you stress me out and that's why I go like this <
He walks his trucks and pretends they are puppy dogs (they are all named Digger). He brings them over to me and asks me to babysit them while he goes to work. Then he goes to get his camera.
He has a great vocabulary and can hold actual back and forth conversations with you now. He's growing up so fast.
He's been potty trained since April (although we haven't even attempted the overnight yet).
He's been trying to dress himself lately too, which is great because before he didn't have any desire to try to do so. I snapped this picture yesterday of his handy-underwear-work:

Oh, and the most impressive thing that had Ted and I both floored is that he took us backroads to my in-laws house-- a way we had never been before. Ted & I didn't even know where we were at one point and he insisted that we were going the right way-- and we were. He definitely has a better since of direction than I do-- and I know he doesn't get it from my side of the family :)

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