This summer I decided to try out a Mommy & Me Gymnastics class (or "nat" as Eliot calls it). He loves it! There are so many different structures and things to play on. He loves to somersault, go down the slide (go figure; we have one of those at both grandparents houses), play parachute, especially with "popcorn" (small, soft balls that pop off of the parachute and go everywhere. Eliot loves picking them up and putting them either back in the middle of the parachute or away in the bucket), he loves the scooters (he gets on his belly, holds onto a hoola-hoop and either I or one of the teachers will pull him around the gym, and he loves anything that looks (even a little) like a tunnel. I think gymnastics is one of his favorite times of the week for sure.
Last week, I asked if I could take a few photos (for the blog of course!) and the teacher was thrilled. She asked if she could have a few copies to put on her website. Normally, I don't work for free, but I was shooting anyhow and I figure lots of parents will see the website (with my watermarked photos) so it can't be a bad thing.
So come Fall, I'm pretty sure Eliot will be featured on the Flips & Giggles Gymnastics website. Here are a few photos that I shot. (I just want to mention that I don't love any of them, but they get the point across).
(Also want to mention that I blurred out Eliot's classmate for privacy purposes).

You may not love them, but as usual I think you did a wonderful job. Keep up the good work. You are definitely blessed with the gift of photography!