We picked up Ted at my parents house just after lunch time and he hadn't napped yet so we took him home to nap. When he woke up, we had just had a few sunshowers outside which left behind some decent puddles. I was inspired to dress Eliot up a little and have a mini shoot of our own. Eliot was unsure about walking in the boots, but he really loved splashing in those puddles!

Oh, and Ted let Eliot pick out whichever card he wanted to buy me for my birthday. Ted insists that he showed Eliot all of the "Mother" cards, but he said no to each one. This is what he ended up picking for me (I will cherish it forever):

It doesn't matter what kind of card he chose for you it's the thought that counts. When he is grown up enough to understand what he did, you will both have a good laugh I'm sure.