These photos were from last Thursday (7.1) and Friday (7.2). Ted's company started rotating hours effective 7.1 so I thought it would be a great idea to take advantage of his new (temporary) early hours and meet him after work with Eliot so that we could head over to Canobie Lake Park. We timed it just right so we got there just after 5:00pm (when the discounted tickets go on sale). We had such a fun time as a family, but we quickly make the decision that we probably wouldn't come back until Eliot was a little taller. Most of the rides were for 48"+ and some where 36", but Eliot is only about 33". It was sad when he realllyyy wanted to go on the fire engine rides, but couldn't, but he had a blast just going on the Merry-Go-Round. I also thought it would be a great idea to take him on the teacups (anybody who can sit up on their own can go on the teacups). I seemed to remember that ride from my earliest trip to Canobie. I think I remembered it wrong because MAN, was that scary! Haha. I'm finding that I can't handle things in my old age the way I used to be able to. I mean, the tea cups, seriously? They whipped around and spun like crazy. I was so dizzy afterwards that I had to wait a few minutes before I could even get OUT of the darn thing. And poor Eliot. He didn't cry, but he was scared. Ted and I tried to hold him close and keep him assured that he was fine and that this was "fun". Yeah right. He can't go on the mini fire engines that go 2 mph, but THIS they let him go on? Nuts!
He really enjoyed playing games, though. At the arcade, he had a blast driving the cars. Mostly, we just let him pretend. Once we did put the $.50 in and let him drive. I did the gas for him while he steered. He didn't do so well. I'm pretty sure he came in 40th out of 40. I'm sure I didn't help his cause any.

Perhaps his favorite thing at Canobie was the duck game. They have floating ducks (probably close to 100) that float down a 'river.' Each duck had a number written on the bottom that corresponded with a prize. He got to pick two. He loved it! He won some silly little trinkets (an airplane and a mini snake), but he just loved that game. He is still talking about the "quack" game.
One of our last adventures at Canobie was taking a ride in the antique cars. Eliot drove, with Ted next to him in the front, while I sat in the back. Thank goodness that the cars are on a track ;) But he really did have so much fun.
On our way out, Ted stopped with Eliot to show him the "starblaster" where they lift you up three stories high and drop you and repeat. And repeat. His face watching that ride was priceless!

Friday was much less eventful, but still resulted in some cute photos. Friday= laundry day at the folks house. It was beautiful out so we set up the sprinkler (that I got on $5 clearance at the end of the season last year) and just let Eliot play away.

(Bottom two pics were from just before the sprinkler adventures)
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