Friday, September 7, 2012

Eliot's First Day of Preschool

 Today was Eliot's first day of school. Ever.  I know a lot of moms (and a lot of kids) that cry streams and streams of tears, but I wasn't expecting this for Eliot nor myself.  We (as a team, because I do consider ourselves a team) are used to this.  I set up a safe place for Eliot to go for the morning (or afternoon while I work and he goes there and I am here when he gets back.  Its just what we do.  It's our routine so there was really no difference this morning other than the fact that it was new faces, both adult and child faces. 

Ted was leaving for a canoe trip with friends from work today so I made him stay home this morning from work so he could at least see Eliot off to school. 

I had picked out an adorable outfit for Eliot's first day.  Of course, he fought me tooth and nail on it.  Eliot-one, Mom-zero.

We got him ready and he told me he wouldn't let me take a picture of him before school.  I told him that it was a rule that I HAD to take a photo of him every year on his first day of school.  He finally let me.

Eliot-one, Mom-one.

We drove him to school and he was excited to show Ted the way.  Apparently, I did an excellent job picking out a preschool because we not only pass a parking lot with lots of construction vehicles, but we pass a water bay with lots of boats and a crane too.  I think I get another point for that too.

We got there and walked him in.  He took Ted over to show him a tool bench that was "just like yours, Dad and I can use it!"

We left and no tears were shed, just like I had expected.

I went back 3 hours later to pick him up and he was excited to see me and show me things he had done in the last 3 hours.  One of his teachers came up to me to tell me that he is such a good kid and she thought that the two of them would be best buddies, which is funny because when I met her at orientation, I had the same thought.  She seems just like the type of person that Eliot would warm right up to and since he is such a warm, loving and well-behaved child, why wouldn't they become best buddies?

He chatted a little with me in the car on the way home and he told me he had so much fun and asked me when Monday was.  I think he is just a little excited to go back :) 

I feel very satisfied in the preschool decision I made and I am so happy that my little guy is happy.

On another note, the whole month of August past without one blog entry from me.  I have been a crazy person with work.  Too much work! I am going to try to do some catching up and be better in September!  I hate to let this go because THIS is MY baby book.  Someday, this will be all I have to look back on for the little memories and I want to remember all the big things we did and all the little things too.  I want to be better.  Work months really get in the way!

It was a big (but successful) day in the Baker house!

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