Ted & I started off Christmas with a getaway to celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary! We went to Foxwoods Resort and Casino for the night while my in-laws had Eliot over night. Surprisingly, it went pretty well for them and they said they'd even do it again! As for Ted & I, we had a wonderful time. It was so nice to sleep in a nice comfy bed without wondering when Eliot will wake up for a drink... or for the day. I wouldn't mind an anniversary celebration once a month ;)
Christmas Eve was about the same as always; a low-key pajama and pizza type day opening gifts from the Baker side of the family. Eliot was most excited about a Fire Engine Puzzle received by Great Gramma Baker, although my personal favorite (of Eliot's gifts) was the curious George Beach Game. All the kids had matching PJs. In fact, I think this was the FIRST Christmas Eve where ALL the kids fit into their PJs and actually did match!

I believe this was the first year we wrote Santa a note and left out goodies for Santa and the Reindeer. Eliot's note read:
Dear Santa,
Eliot Baker lives here. I has been a really good boy, not a single bad boy. I have been good the whole week. I have been liking candy all year and month. Also I love loves candy. I likes Digger, and think he is a good Digger friend. I would also like to tell your Reindeer that I likes Candy a lot. Thank you for coming Santa.
Eliot T. Baker
He is adorable; really a very sweet boy. Santa wrote back to him telling him what a good boy he's been and how Santa notices what a good helper he is to his Mom & Dad.
Eliot started down the basement stairs and TOOK OFF like a bolt of lightening when he saw what Santa had left him!
We had Christmas morning here with my grandparents and Aunt Frances. We had Gingerbread Construction muffins and quiche for breakfast and it was delicious! (DEEE-Licious, as Eliot says). We opened Santa presents (favorite being the big, HUGE, crane!), and presents from Mom, Dad & Grandma & Grandpa & Aunt Fran. Even Milo had a few treats in his stocking from Santa:

Then, we went to my parents for Christmas dinner and yep... more presents! I honestly don't know how we'll fit everything into our new house next week! I think the attic will be our best friend!
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