Well we are HERE. In our HOUSE. It is lovely and oh-so surreal. We have space that we don't even know quite how to fill! Oh what a problem everyone would love to have! (Don't worry-- it'll get filled!). We've been here 2.5 weeks now and so far I miss the heat in my condo (its FREEZING in here (according to only me)), I love having my own washer and dryer, I use a ton more gas (living further from the things I am used to using/places I am used to going, and family), I have spent more money trying to make this OUR home than I thought I would (OOPS), I have made a "honey-do" list miles long for Ted, and we still don't have about 15 of our boxes unpacked. I'm sure there is more, but these are the highlights.

I even have my very own reeds:

Eliot LOVES it here. He loves having a back yard. He LOVES helping Daddy shovel when it snows. He loves following Milo around, trying to find him, and wondering where his next hiding place will be. (Milo loves our house too!).

Here's some photos of Ted and Eliot working on building a tractor that Santa left for both of them:

And last, but certainly not least, a very sweet photograph of my dear grandparents and my precious little Eliot. Papa hasn't been feeling well and I've set up for him to see some doctors down in our area so he and Nana stayed with us for our first weekend here so Papa could get some tests done. This is just before bed, Papa reading Eliot a story:
Oh my goodness....how sweet is that picture of Eliot with his hand on Papa's face...melts my heart.