I recruited my awesome sister to come with us to Nana's and we had a nice stay. Because of Eliot's egg allergy, he's not accustomed to having pancakes, although we did find out the last time we stayed over Nana's house that you can substitute bananas for eggs and they turn out just as fluffy and delicious. Remembering this, Eliot asked Nana to make him pancakes at least SIX (if not seven) times in the 48 hours that we were there. He had pancakes for almost every meal... and sometimes he had them just because, or as a second breakfast. Poor Nana was pancaked out by the time we left on Thursday night!
When we got back on Thursday night, most of our things were gone (obviously), but a lot still remained to be done. I was nervous about meeting deadlines. Still, I went to bed exhausted, and trusted that Ted would turn into Super-Ted after I was asleep (as he often does). When we woke up Friday morning, I was still a little weary of how the rest was going to get done before 9am. Good thing I woke up at 5:45! It was an even BETTER thing that BOTH of my inlaws came over at 7:30 to help. They were cleaning, scrubbing, sweeping and wrangling Eliot while Ted & I packed up all four of our cars! We literally made it by the skin of our teeth. As I was walking out with the last box, our realtor and buyer were walking in. BUT, we made it! Thanks to some very awesome people (Ted, Janice, Uncle John, Ryan, My Mom & Dad who helped in different way.. and of course my Ted).
Arriving at my in laws was pretty much what you'd expect; a lot of running around, uloading, unpacking, etc. It didn't help that I had to work (in Boston) that afternoon either, but c'est la vie! (I actually had a wonderful session with a wonderful family so no complaining there-- seriously!).
Milo found the move a bit disturbing. At first, he wouldn't come out of his carrier. Then,he spent the next day hidden under a chair. Finally, he started to come around and come out while we were down there, but still, every time that door opens, he runs and hides. He's SO lonely too. We try to get down there (he is sequestered to the basement due to my Father-in-law's allergies), but with so much else going on, he's lacking some serious attention. Poor thing, I can just hear his loneliness in his meow.
What struck me most with the move is Eliot. I try to always be up front with him and tell him what's going on and we explained the move to him in every possible detail so he would know what to expect. His biggest concern was that the moving truck would forget to take some of his books and toys. It's funny, though, as soon as we got to Grandma's house, he started playing with the dollhouse that my Ted's step-grandfather built. He took out all the furniture and people and put them in a pile in the hallway. He just wanted to leave them there, but I suggested maybe a "storage box" would be more appropriate for the furniture. He told me the family was moving. So after two days of the furniture staying in the 'storage box,' Eliot started unpacking and putting the furniture in the 'moving truck' and he told me that the family was moving in with their Grandma. My heart melted. I am just so blessed to have the sweetest little boy alive.

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