A little back-story.
(I think I may have mentioned this first one before, but it's worth mentioning again anyhow). A few months ago, we were going to my in-laws house in Reading from our home in Woburn. Eliot INSISTED that we go the backroads (so we could pass the farm stand on which they are doing construction). Ted & I both explained to Eliot that we didn't know the way. Eliot told us he did.
"Are you sure?"
I told Ted "let's try it and see." We did. Eliot pointed out every turn. Even when we were sure he was wrong, he was right. He got us there-- a way neither one of us had ever been (or would ever think to go). We were STUNNED!
The stories could go on and on and on, but I'll just post about a couple more. A couple of weeks ago, we were stuck in traffic (Eliot & I) and I was just looking for any way out of the mess. I finally came upon a street that I was familiar with and quickly turned down it. Without missing a beat, Eliot said "Mama, you're going the wrong way." I assured him that I was NOT going the wrong way. About half way (and a mile) down the street, I realized, Eliot was right; I was going the wrong way.
A few days ago, we were headed to my grandmother's house in Melrose. I continued to go the way I would only think to go. I was at a set of lights, taking a right when Eliot said "Mama, you could go that way" (Pointing to what would have been straight). I thought about it for a minute and realized that totally would have been a better way to go.
His sense of direction is STELLAR and mine, well,.... is not. I'm so proud of my little GPS soooo...

Here is a picture of my sister and Eliot while we Trick-or-Treated in downtown Melrose:

I was so sure we would have the best costume at the family Halloween get together this year, but alas, we were challenged once again. My ever-creative sister-in-law came up with some great ones:

Not photoed are my sister in law and brother in law in their peanut butter and jelly costumes (VERY creative!)
And of course, not to be outdone by anyone, is my father in law, as a 70's dancer. We are still unsure if this was actually a costume or just some old clothing he had laying around:

(Disclaimer; bottom two photos taken with my iphone-- can you believe I forgot my camera on HALLOWEEN!?)
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