I've been searching Craigslist for months looking for the right price on this one lens (a canon 70-200 IS f/4L) . (Note: it's not the lens I
really want, but it's a great lens until I have the funds necessary to get the Mac Daddy lens). Yesterday, I saw the post for a great price. I emailed the guy, sure that I did not get it (it had been over an hour since it was posted). He emailed me back and said that I was the second responder, but since the first guy tried to haggle with him, the lens was MINE!!!! AHHH! YES!!
Last week, I helped my sister buy her very first DSLR (also from Craigslist for a steal (and from a very nice man as well)). Today, my Dad had the day off so my sister, father, Eliot & I all went for a nice photo walk around Horn Pond. We had such a nice time. Of course Eliot loved it, there was lots of see-- dogs, bugs, people, and ducks (he even got to secretly feed one duck!), but I think that the adults had just as much fun (if not more) playing with our toys.
Here are some photos with my newest love :)

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