We had a digger theme. It was one of Eliot's very first words and he has been obsessed with diggers ever since. I'm pretty sure that anyone who has ever driven with Eliot in the car probably now plays the digger game even when Eliot is not in the car with them. I know that Ted & I do. I know that Nana does. I even have a friend, Kelly, who says she thinks of Eliot when she drives by a digger. We're always on the lookout for diggers. And it's a sad day when after a digger that has been parked in the same spot for quite a while (the Stone Zoo, a church around the corner from us) goes "home." Even though the digger may be gone from that spot, Eliot will still talk about that digger when we pass the spot for weeks or maybe even months.
So, it just seemed fitting that our theme would be diggers (with a few dumps sprinkled in there too).

I think I was about as excited for Eliot's party as he was. What is better than watching your child have people sing Happy Birthday to HIM?! (Finally, after months of seeing everyone else get the attention) or opening fun new toys for him to get excited about! Even just seeing a Thomas the train gift bag and knowing that was for him got him so excited!
It was a lovely party and I am so grateful for everyone who came, helped, contributed, and celebrated. Thank you, everyone! We are blessed to have such a wonderful family.

And on an unrelated side note (well, not completely unrelated I suppose), today is the 8th anniversary of Ted & my first date. Eight years. I would love to re-live that night again. Happy Anniversary, Love.
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