Just a bit of an Eliot update, he now repeats a lot of words; no, go, and ho ho ho are all great examples. He will also try to repeat words like "coat," but he usually leaves off the "t" at the end. He also says "yeah," which is a great word for him to know and makes communication a lot easier! He calls the train a "chooch," which I think is just adorable. He knows what the duck says, what the bunny does (mouth noises), what the fish does, what the cow says, turkey says, and sometimes he knows the dog. He understands pretty much whatever we tell him, though. If we ask him to do something simple, i.e. "bring Mama your shoes," he will do so right away! He still only has 6 teeth as far as we can tell, but he drools with the best of 'em. He and Milo are great friends, he loves it when Mama gives him a cloth and tells him to clean, and he pretends that all of his toy trucks are ride on, even though none of them are, technically. He's so much fun and we are so blessed to have him in our lives!
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