Things have been kind of crazy lately. I have decided to take my photography to a professional level. I am working on getting my website up and running and I have started a new "professional" blog as well. Please check it out (and follow me) at:
So, I am sorry that this blog got put on the back burner for a couple of weeks, but I'm back and ready to post!
On Friday, the city of Melrose closed down down town Main Street for all the kiddos to go trick-or-treating at all the down town businesses. I found out about this very last minute, but my mom and I agreed that Eliot would love to go down and see all the kids and costumes, so I suited Eliot up, and away we went! Despite being exhausted from lack of naps lately, he did quite enjoy himself. He didn't seem to mind being in his costume either for the most part, which made us happy! Although, he HATED the hat, but I expected that anyway since he never seems to like anything on his head.
Here are a few photos from after our trick-or-treating adventures:

And some Halloween feet :)

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