On Easter itself, Eliot woke up, forgetting for a minute (until I reminded him) that the Easter Bunny had come. He went from groggy to hopping out of bed in 10 seconds flat! I quick picked up my camera and managed to snap a few of Eliot seeing his Easter basket for the first time. A note from the Easter Bunny praised Eliot for being such a good and helpful boy this year, but also reminded him to try to listen better to Mom and Dad and be nicer to his pets (poor Merelle got a rock to the nose last week and Milo's been at the receiving end of Eliot's (shall we call it--) over-excitement for about 3 years now). Eliot was very excited to see that not only did the Easter Bunny leave candy, but also a bird feeder, and lots of gardening stuff like a ready-to-make pepper garden, and lots of other veggie seeds to plant. (Who are we kidding? We all know Eliot's more excited about the digging than the planting).

Later that day, we went to Ted's Aunt & Uncle's house for a VERY yummy dinner, LOTS of yummy desserts, and another Easter egg hunt for the kiddos, which was VERY well received. Eliot had such a fun day--and weekend! Happy Easter!

Sometimes I like to make little notes about things so I don't forget them. I actually have a book/journal that I usually write this stuff down in, but since we don't yet have a bookcase, our book boxes have not yet been unpacked, but I just want to remember this adorable little thing Eliot does now-- he whispers. OK, so it doesn't SOUND that cute, but it is. If someone asks him a question and he doesn't know the answer he will look at me and whisper (with his hand to his ear) "what is it?" He'll do it when he wants to keep a secret just between us so Daddy doesn't find out (sometimes about sneaking an extra piece of candy, or making a mess with whatever he's using at the time, sometimes he'll do it when I have a headache, or just before bed or naptime). I guess you have to witness it to appreciate the cuteness, but trust me, it's adorable!
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