How can something only three letters long cause sooooooooo much trouble? So far we've thrown away two pairs of chewed up shoes, two sippy cup lids, shampooed the rug two or three times, spot cleaned the rug about 200 times, retrieved tens of items from Merelle's mouth (Ted's PlayStation remote, the Tivo remote, Ted's phone, Eliot's toys, boots, shoes, pillows, blankets, wrappers, a cake, other food, the list really does go on...
It's truly like having another child. When I go out with Eliot it feels like such a RELIEF to only have to worry about ONE! But, as we're finding out, that's not true, as Merelle is an escape artist. She bends her crate and unlocks it with her nose. Usually, when we get home, Merelle has escaped from her crate, and yes, has caused MORE trouble. When she doesn't escape, I'm PRETTY sure she barks the entire time we're gone. In fact, that's how I know if she's out or not before I even unlock the door; if she's barking, she's still in the crate and if it's silent, she's gotten out-- again.
Okay, so it's not ALL bad. Merelle keeps Eliot entertained in the backyard for hours, which is fantastic. It's like he's got a constant playmate and companion which really is heart warming. Oh, and Ted's in love and the love is definitely mutual.
Then again, my poor cat won't even come upstairs. It's been a week and a half since Milo's been upstairs. We've been keeping the gate locked at the top of the stairs to keep them separate and not to force them on each other, but they see each other from time to time.. and.. Merelle barks at Milo, scaring him and causing him to retreat to under the bed. Poor Milo. I make sure to spend lots of time with him downstairs. Milo has my heart. Merelle has some proving herself to do.
Alas, what's a post without some pics. Enjoy!

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