He had ice cream and a pretzel for dinner and stayed up way past his bedtime, but it was so worth it!

With my work schedule being so hectic, I had to plan months ahead of time which weekend we would go to Sunapee. It's important to me and to my grandparents that we go up at least once a year (although we all wish it could be more). So last Saturday, we went up for the day and once again, Eliot had fun! He loves the water, swimming, and of course, digging, and getting dirty. I love that he will have memories there just like I did when I was young-- although I was reminiscing about just how much has changed since I was little.

My Grandfather broke his nose tripping over a rope in the boathouse (and refused medical care). I thought he would scare Eliot, but it didn't even phase him.

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