After his Easter morning bath:

Onto other (more embarrassing) topics. We have been laying the foundation for potty training with Eliot. He will often pee in the potty, but pooping was a whole other issue. He's scared of putting on underwear and rather attached to his "diapy" so I don't want to FORCE the issue; just encourage it. Finally, I told him if he pooped in the potty we'd have a party. That very day (of course), he pooped in the potty for the first time. He said "Mama, we go to the store and buy a cake now?" I was done for. We went to iparty and got a Dora balloon and a new digger to put on the cake we later made together. He was very excited to bring his friend (who lives downstairs from us) a piece of his cake! It was a BIG deal!

After that time, Eliot wasn't so enthusiastic about pooping on the potty so I took some advice I got from a friend and just yesterday started letting him watch digger and dump truck movies on my phone while he's on the potty; that did it! NOW, he's interested :)
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