Switching gears, I want to talk about a group of women in my life who are some of the best people I know. I have known these women since January of 2008. They live in all parts of the world. They are from all walks of life. We have cried together, rejoiced together, ranted together, raved together, we have united for a cause, lifted one another up in prayer and in other ways, and they are some of my best friends. I LOVE these women.
We came together for the same reason. We were all expecting a child in September of 2008. It's been over 3 years now and so many of these (100+) women have met one another, had play dates with our children, and have become real best friends. I have even had the pleasure of photographing a few of these September (or August) 2008 babes! Today, I had the pleasure of meeting 2 more of my New England Mama's and their kiddos (and 1 more Mama I got to meet again for the second time after photographing her lovely daughter last Summer). We met at the New England Aquarium. I am so sad that it didn't go the way I had hoped..... but it did go the way I had guessed. Due to different lengths of commute time to Boston and differing schedules, we decided to meet at 9:30AM. Eliot naps every day at 11. Few times have there been an exception. So, it was no surprise when at 10:40 Eliot started complaining that he was hungry, thirsty, wanted to go, etc. We stayed until a little bit past 11:00, but we had to make an early exit, which was a little sad for me, but I knew it was best for Eliot. So we had a quick meeting and it was in a very dark, PACKED, chaotic environment so I don't feel like I actually got to 'know' any of the other Mamas any better. I hope that we get the chance to meet again this Spring in a less stressful environment.
Here are just a couple snapshots from the aquarium:

Here are all our September 08 kiddos (and one of the boys older brother)

And one more pic of Eliot & I snuggling on the couch for fun:

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