Halloween was a holiday that I'd been dreading since May when we first got the results of Eliot's food allergy tests. It was really one of the first things that I thought of; my poor baby won't be able to enjoy Halloween like "normal" kids. All of the chocolate that you buy in the regular stores (ie. NOT wholefoods or natural food stores) contain soy. We're so very lucky that Nana found a natural food store not far from where she lives that carries soy-free chocolate bars because it's really the only chocolate candy he can eat. We made sure that we had lots of those chocolate bars on hand right before Halloween.
I listened to other moms who told me to take him trick-or-treating and then just quickly replace the candy in his bag. All he was left with after I did the switch was his soy-free chocolate, lolipops, swedish fish, necco wafers and nerds. It really still makes me so sad. I hope that he outgrows this. On the other hand, he didn't seem to notice, or mind one bit that he had only the same old candy to eat. And he was the CUTEST skeleton I've EVER seen. Nana, Papa Dick, Papa and I took Eliot the Friday afternoon before Halloween to do trick-or-treating at the businesses in downtown Melrose. I think everyone thought he was the cutest skeleton ever.
We also went to the Woburn Halloween Parade (Eliot LOVES parades) and then to Carolyn and Colm's for our annual Halloween get together.

Next up: Holiday Mini Sessions! A colleague/photographer friend of mine and myself rented some studio space in Concord to shoot some holiday themed photographs for clients. I had six appointments set-up for the day (with one no-show, so really five). It was lots of fun. I got some great photos (you can see those HERE). Kelly was kind enough to test her lighting on Eliot (who had come with Ted to help me carry in my loads and loads of equipment and props) and give me the images she captured on CD. OH MY GOODNESS! How I WISH he would look at MY camera like that! She got some great images. I am so jealous that I did not take them!

Ted and Eliot were back again at the end of the day to help me load up my stuff again. My last client of the day were friends of ours (actually, Justin is the one who helped Ted get the job he has now!) so I was more than happy to photograph them and their ADORABLE son (and give them a deal too!). Eliot decided, though, that he wanted to be a part of their family---- if only for one click.

That brings me to yesterday; Thanksgiving. We made our rounds; 3 places in one afternoon; my grandparents house (where we ate dinner), my Great Aunt-Janine's house (where we had a quick visit and said Hi to Nana and Papa Dick), and then to the Baker's where we had dessert, sang happy birthday to all the October and November birthdays (4 of them!), and just hung around for a bit. Eliot slept until 7:00 this morning so I guess he must have really been tuckered out from the day. I think no doubt his favorite part was playing with his cousins over my in-laws house. Here is a family photo that my Dad snapped at stop number 1:

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