I can't believe how much Eliot has grown. This past year just flew by. He says probably over 100 words now. He is still obsessed with diggers (and "dums" which is Eliot-speak for Dump Trucks, or Garbage Trucks). In fact, his new favorite game is to empty the trash into his dump trucks and drive them around the house. I find trash EVERYWHERE these days. But he's adorable and he's such a love. He snuggles with me all the time. I will be heart broken when he grows out of this phase!

Oh, and the cozy coupe! My life long BFF's mother is a nanny. Her yard is FILLED with fun and exciting toys. The last time that we were there, Eliot refused to leave the cozy coupe. I posted an ad on Craigslist looking for one in our area and a very nice gentlemen sold us his grandchildren's old coupe for just $10! AND... today I found the matching gas tank on Craigslist for $5 so I had Ted go pick it up on his lunch break since it was very close to where he works! Score! I don't have any photos of the gas pump yet, but man, I love Craigslist!

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