It's only the first day of Spring, but we've already had a handful of gorgeous weather days this week! We have gone for some walks and gotten out to play, but today was the first day I broke out my camera and took it outside with us. We took Eliot's fire truck that Santa brought him outside for the second time today and he had a ball... until he leaned too far back on it and tipped it over. He was OK, but we headed in after that. Here are some photos from the day :)

In other news, Eliot is 18 months now! Where has the time gone? Having Ted home this Winter really made it fly by which was really just perfect because, well, who likes Winter? He is getting bigger every day and can say about 15 words now, which from what I understand is about average for 18 months. Among his words are: mama, da (dada), nana, juice, cheese, broom, more, done, go, & a few more too. We're excited for the Spring and to be able to get outside a bit more!
The black and white picture of him with the confused look on his face is my favorite. It is awesome. Great decisive moment!