Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I Have Seriously Been Slacking!

Well, not really. I've just been busy! Between the holidays, my New Year's Day wedding, and a couple of other shoots in between, I haven't taken the proper amount of time to devote to taking photos (and blogging about) my favorite subject: my son. He's grown so, so much over the last few months. He's a kid now. My baby is growing so fast :( Just after Christmas, we realized that he was getting 4 molars in at the same time! I felt so bad; I could tell he was in so much pain. Poor thing. He's also started talking! He says Mama, Dada, Nana, bum bum, yeah, no, banana, dig, and I think a few others. He is a very smart little boy. He understands so much.

Here are a few recent photos that I've taken of Eliot over the last couple of weeks. He's not such a big fan of the snow (hates walking in it), but there is a little boy who lives downstairs from us (who is 4 years old) that Eliot loves to watch. The boy built a snowman while Eliot watched and let Eliot play with his little shovel and dump truck.

Thanks for looking!


  1. Very cute! And, of course he has his broom! : )

  2. Of course Eliot is the cutest especially with the hat, good job on that one as well. You absolutely should be proud of all your photography. I think this is one of your gifts as well.
