I recently came across one of my dear friend's blog posts. She listed 100 things for which she was thankful. She then challenged anyone to do the same. She claims it is not as easy as it sounds-- and you know what? Even before I start, I believe her.
1. Ted (My wonderful, supportive, encouraging, loving, husband)
2. Eliot, my sweet and wonderful son
3. My parents who I can always count on to watch Eliot if the need arises
4. My in-laws for helping us out with anything from legal advice, to watching Eliot to things like replacing our fridge when it decides it does not want to work anymore.
5. Our condo. It may not be big, but it's ours.
6. This blue blanket that I have on my lap right now and every night than Gram P. (or D. depending on who you ask) made for Ted when he was younger. It's my favorite blanket.
7. My grandparents-- they are some of my best friends
8. Milo (our cat)
9. photography
10. My business
11. My clients and friends who help support my business
12. God. (I know, I know, he shouldn't be #12 on my list. The truth is, our relationship needs work and I know it's all my fault, but I am thankful that he loves me anyway).
13. Facebook (It's caught me up with some great friends, made me new ones, and keeps me up to date with the social world)
14. Great friends. I don't have many of them. In fact, maybe only 2 or 3 my own age that I could call for a favor if I needed one, but really, that's all a girl needs.
15. My online friends. I have so many wonderful friends who I have never met (and some that I have) that have given me gifts more precious than anyone could truly ever understand.
16. My computer.
17. Naturally sweetened, low calorie beverages.
18. TV
19. My cameras (and all the other equipment I now own).
20. My car.
21. Did I already say my husband? Because he really deserves to be on here twice. He picks me up when I am down, and he fills a void in me that would never be filled otherwise. He is truly my other half.
22. Cloudy days (both because they are great for photographing, but also because the bright sun makes me anxious)
23. Therapy.
24. Other medical Dr.s.
25. my sister. She challenges me in a way that most people never get to experience. It's both infuriating and fulfilling.
26. My sister (again). Because she is one of the only people I can be myself around and not feel bad about. She doesn't care if I have to leave a store because I have a panic attack or if I have to tell her (one more time) that my stomach is upset.
27. Honesty. I am thankful for people who are honest with me and I am thankful for the ability to be honest with everyone I meet.
28. Random acts of kindness and paying it forward (I believe and give both).
29. Vacations.
30. The internet. I've learned so much more than I ever would have if I had to rely solely on encyclopedias.
31. Massages.
32. Medicine.
33. Retail therapy.
34. Board games (not that we ever get to play any more, or really have anyone to play them with), but just to know they are there; and also to remember good times had with them.
35. Fond memories.
36. My drive.
37. My compassion for others.
38. The way that I have come to know myself and be comfortable with who I am (still working on this one, but have come so far).
39. Jesus (yes, i guess he deserves his own number).
40. Washing machines
41. Lotion
42. Chapstick
43. Holidays and traditions
44. That I get to be home with my son more than half the time and that I make my own hours.
45. Nights on the couch with my husband
46. Routines
47. Good Shampoo
48. (and while we are at it) a good hairdresser
49. Bras and underwear that fit properly
50. The men and women of our country brave enough to fight for our freedom.
51. Sleep-- really any sleep is great. The more, the better.
52. Clean sheets.
53. The health and well-being of my loved ones and myself
54. Oatmeal crunch cereal.
55. Stuffed crust pizza.
56. Wholefoods.
57. Glasses.
58. That my husband can fix everything-- EVERYTHING.
59. Chocolate.
60. Forgiveness.
61. Self awareness.
62. The ability to own my own actions.
63. Communication.
64. The Bible.
65. Fresh air.
66. Education.
67. Proactive-ness (and made up words)
68. Freedom of speech
69. Freedom of religion
70. Freedom.
71. Love.
72. Prayer.
73. Dreams.
74. Ted's job.
75. Grilled cheese sandwiches.
76. Nana's calzone.
78. Grandma's green bean casserole.
79. Chocolate chip logs.
80. Opus.
81. Email.
82. Cell phones.
83. Text messages.
84. Technology in general.
85. The people who have been in my life; even if they no longer are.
86. People's uniqueness.
87. Insurance.
88. Healing.
89. Hot baths.
90. Photographs
91. Having things to look forward to
92. Patience.
93. Growing and maturing.
94. Childcare.
95. Altoids.
96. Springtime.
97. Being me.
98. The microwave.
99. Thomas & friends.
100. The used book store.
101. For Ryan, her thoughtfulness and caring, and for this challenge.
Now, I'll pass the challenge on as it was passed onto me. See if you can come up with 100 things for which you are thankful.