Ted and I have been wanting to take Eliot to a farm or petting zoo or something of the sort for a while now so I got on YAHOO! and searched away. I found a farm in North Andover with a familar name (perhaps I had gone there on a field trip when I was young?). Anyhow, we managed to get up there late this afternoon for just a little while and we were so glad we did! There really weren't too many animals, but Eliot didn't care! Eliot loves his animals!

Ted & Eliot petting a goat

Ted & Eliot petting another goat

This was taken just moments before Eliot starting crying hysterically because the cow licked him
The only thing that Eliot *might* have liked more than the animals were all the big trucks!

This is just one of the reasons that I love Photo Shop. I liked this photo, but it bothered me that it wasn't straight. It's definitely still far from a perfect shot (Ted's shirt is all blown out for one thing), but it's definitely much better :)

original tractor shot
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