I'll start where I last left off-- Halloween. Halloween was a lot of fun. Eliot was a firefighter and we dressed up Brandon as a firefighter K9 dog. I think Brandon might have had more fun trick-or-treating than Eliot. He loved going from house to house! I took them down one street and then came back to the house and Ted took them down our street; this way one of us could be at home for all the trick-or-treaters which was so exciting for us since we never had any in our old condo! There were a lot (we didn't count, but I wish we had) and I have to remember for next year to either buy more candy or only give out one piece!
It's not just my blog that I don't keep up with-- it's the photos too! The next bunch of photos I have are from November 22nd when I took some for our Christmas card. I set up my portable studio downstairs and Eliot and I had some fun:
I also want to post a photo of Eliot's first official school picture! I guess some of the parents weren't very happy with the way their child's photo turned out and the teachers asked me if I would be interested in doing the school photos next year (which of course I said yes, even though it will add to my already heavy Fall load). However, Eliot's school photo came out PERFECT! I only WISH I could get him to smile like this for my camera!
Next up are our Christmas photos. We had a nice Christmas this year. Eliot, of course, was super excited, but he might have said the oddest/funniest thing I've ever heard. Ever since Eliot turned four, he's been a bit more challenging to parent. We never really had terrible twos or threes, but four has been hard. It's mostly his listening skills that need improvement-- major improvement. We have an Elf on The Shelf, Digger, who came to our house for the second year in a row (only last year we were at Ted & Janice's house for Christmas) and of course we used the "Santa is watching you" line to try and get him to listen better and behave well. One day, he asked me if Santa doesn't bring him presents, will I still buy him presents for Christmas? I assured him that yes, I would. A few days later he told me he didn't care if Santa came at all. He clearly chose to not listen/misbehave than have Santa bring him gifts. I had never heard of a child not caring if Santa came! (Maybe we are doing something wrong?!). Anyway, of course Santa came and brought Eliot a new Bruder Tractor and some attachments for it. He was thrilled.
Our Christmas always comes in three parts: Nana's Christmas Party, Christmas Eve in Reading, and then Christmas Day. Here are some photos from all 3 "Christmases:"
I decided to make the kids gifts this year (you know, in all my spare time). I made Audrey and Maddie a "Cousins Yahtzee" game. I actually hope they invite me to play with them sometime! I think it looks so fun!

I made Lilla a Science Bingo game since she is very much into science. I also wouldn't mind playing this one once or twice :)
The big surprise of the night was when Ted opened his fire truck! He had put a Bruder fire truck on his list before his last birthday and no one got it for him. Of course, he wanted it for Eliot, but they were both SO excited to open the big package. Unfortunately, I was in the other room taking photos when they opened it, but I got the end of it.
Eliot was so thankful for Great Gramma Baker's purchase:
Our First Christmas in our new home:
My poor, poor buddy. I miss him so much. It's hard doing every day things now when Brandon used to be right by my side doing them with me. I miss his head poking through a doorway almost as if he was asking permission to come in. I miss his snuggles and his company. He was the best dog. I have much higher standards for dogs now that I've known Brandon. I hope one day, I can get another dog who is as loyal, loving and kind as Brandon was. For now, though, I am still in the grieving process just missing him and his white little face.
Rest in Peace, Buddy. I hope you are in doggy Heaven getting all the love you so deserve.