Since Eliot's favorite thing in the whole world is to dig, he was in love. The fact that there was water to spash in was just the icing on the cake. Being that I grew up with a Summer house in New Hampshire on a pond, I was never really a beach person. It seems like a lot of work for too little reward (personally speaking of course). It's a lot of prep time, packing, hauling to and from the car, then there's the sand that gets on everything (including your food and drink) and the salt water. Not to mention it's usually crowded and there's very little shade to which you can escape. A cottage, a dock and a pond just SEEMS easier.
Well, wouldn't you know, I had a good time anyway. I even frolicked in the water myself. It's not something I would do every week, but once in a while, it is certainly worth it to go to the beach. Eliot certainly thinks so.

And here's a few photos I snapped real quick of Eliot taking photos around our condo. I love that he loves to take pictures! He definitely needs a better camera (one with flash perhaps) because none of his pictures ever come out because its too dark in our condo cave.

I thought I would end this post with some anecdotes about Eliot. He seriously says the funniest things ever! The other day, we were getting ready to go to my niece's birthday party and I told him we couldn't leave until he went to the bathroom to which he responded "No! That's NOT FAIR."
After the birthday party, we stopped at Subway to get subs for dinner. I thanked him for helping me hold our food and for picking up my sunglasses after they fell and he answered me "Your pleasure."
Just this morning Eliot and Ted were getting up out of bed and I was going to sleep for another 45 minutes and Eliot asked me "Are you going to be OK in here by yourself?" I love that he has empathy at such a young age. He makes me so proud.
One of the cutest things he does recently is that he will answer a question about himself with "I."
"Did someone ask for more juice?"
"Who made this mess?"
It's just too cute to correct. I know soon enough he will learn to use proper grammar and phrases and this stage will be just a memory so is it THAT wrong to just let him say those cute little things for now? I just want to savor this sweet, innocent time that I know won't last forever. Oh, how I wish we could play with "excabators" forever.