Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spring Happenings!

Now that Spring is finally here, I am finding that I am breaking out my camera a lot more. First up was our niece, Lilla's, birthday party! Happy 3, Lilla! It couldn't have been any nicer outside and the kids (and adults) lived it up and soaked in the sunshine!

Ted asked Audrey to show him her tooth (that she lost) and Eliot thought he would show his teeth too! (In his defense, he has been super excited about the fact that he has four new molars coming through-- and boy, do we know it! What a crank-ster!)

I want to take a minute and "toot my own horn" as they say about this photo below. I had been wanting to try the ever-challenging back lighting and really never got around to doing it; either the circumstances weren't just right, or the lighting wasn't just right, etc. Well, I finally got my chance and I NAILED it! I'm tempted to make it into a canvas :)

Next up, is a trip to the zoo! We met a friend of mine there for a quick stroll through the Stone Zoo.

Jaguar was angry that day! He was roaring all over the place!

Wouldn't be a trip to the zoo without Eliot sitting on the stone polar bear!

When I was young, my parents would tell me that I was the filthiest kid in the neighborhood. I am starting to see that my child inherited my tendency to get filthy and love it :)

Lastly for the week, we have a playdate with James! I went to middle school and high school with James' mom, Jill and we've become really good friends with credit due to Facebook!
I toted along my camera because I wanted to try out my brand-new, fresh out of the box, Canon 24-70L lens! This will be my primary wedding lens and I am pretty excited to have added it to my collection!

This is Eliot literally trying to get James to look at the camera with him, haha!

This is his cheesy smile when I say "Say Cheese!"

Finally, the most important news is.....

WE PUT OUR CONDO UP ON THE MARKET!! Woohooo!!!! With any luck (and some prayer) we'll be outta here and into our own house in no time!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Woah! Two Posts in One Week!

Nothing too spectacular here, just some from a park play date with my Sister-in-law and my two nieces yesterday. It went above 40 so we thought it was good enough for an outdoor good time. (When you live in New England, sometimes 40* is all it takes).

Unfortunately, it's been snowing ever since. (And that's NOT an April Fool's joke either).

I also had an "Ah-ha!" moment this week with posting my photos online. The term, "sharpening for web," is one that I have heard hundreds of times and thought I was doing it right.. or even well. Basically, when you see your photos in Photoshop, they look great. Then, when you go to upload them onto the web, they become soft (or lose much of their sharpness). I didn't realize how soft my photos were looking online until this week. I am almost embarrassed it took me almost 2 years to figure this out. I am still in the tweaking process, but here are some (hopefully) nice, crisp, sharp images for you to enjoy :)