Monday, December 27, 2010

Some Pre-Christmas Events

Nana's annual Christmas Party was last week (as always, the Saturday before Christmas). We had a very nice time. Nana always goes through a lot of trouble to make sure that a nice meal is served and everyone gets just what they want for Christmas. Since this was the first Christmas that Eliot could actually somewhat understand what was happening, it was especially fun to see him open his gifts and assist his Mama by helping her play Santa's Elf and passing out the gifts. I didn't take too many photos at Nana's party; partly because I want to be in the moment and enjoy myself and my son, and partly because I don't particularly like to whip out my camera at family functions unless asked because I fear I will become that annoying relative always flashing in someone's face. In any case, one photo that I did manage to get was that of my cousin, Tony, teaching Eliot how to play his new guitar. It is such a priceless photo.

After Eliot handed everyone their gifts, he made sure to gather all the trash. He took it into Nana's guest bedroom and tossed it up on the bed; the bed he deemed his garbage truck. He does the same thing at home. It all started when I started getting Christmas packages delivered and I wanted to keep all the boxes for wrapping. Eliot loaded up his bed and called it his garbage truck. It started with boxes, but soon... well... it became much more than that. It's become a daily "game" and it takes about 10-15 minutes nightly to clean off his bed before he can even crawl in there. He literally goes around the condo and picks up anything that isn't nailed down or too heavy and throws it in his bed (garbage truck). He is funny too when he instructs me to sit down "HERE" when it's a teeny, tiny, 2" x 2" space and he gets angry when I do not fit.

The very next day, we had tickets to go and take a ride on the Polar Express. The Polar Express is just a purple line train leaving from Anderson Station in W0burn and traveling to the North Pole-- err-- I mean, North Station, and then returning back to Woburn. Wakefield music and drama departments put on a play of the Polar Express during our ride with lots of singing and dancing. It was a lot of fun and Eliot's jaw just about hit the floor when he realized he was going to be riding on a REAL train!

He was almost just as excited to meet Santa and tell him he wanted a "chooch" for Christmas.

Since I had never actually seen the movie, The Polar Express, I didn't know that we were supposed to be in our pajamas! We were one of the few who were not decked out in holiday jammies, but we had fun anyway. Most importantly, Eliot had fun!

About a day or two after that, we had our first real snow fall of the season and I took Eliot out to play and snapped a couple of photos of that too.