We had such a nice Memorial Day weekend (with great weather too!). We went up to New Hampshire to stay with my grandparents for Saturday into Sunday. Eliot, of course, had a blast. Nana bought special toys for Eliot to play with when he visits and it's funny to see how his tastes change as he gets a little older. Last time we went up, all he wanted to do was play with the broom and sweep and this time, he only wanted the guitar (that of course made lots of noise and played the same songs over and over)!
We visited the outlet stores on Saturday and hit up some mega Memorial Day Weekend Sales! We got GREAT deals at The Children's Place & Carters! Ted was even able to get two pairs of shoes; he has been so patient waiting too, I think he's wanted them since September. I love shopping, but what I love even more is a bargain! And we got plenty of bargains!
Nana has been talking about taking Eliot to see the "dancing bears" for maybe a year now. They took my sister and I when we were younger to Clark's Trading Post; a place where they raise and train bears to perform. There's also a train and lots of other things to see and do. Eliot was very excited to see the train, and even more excited to get on it! However, once the whistle blew (loudly) he got a little scared. There is also a 'wolfman' that taunts the passengers on the train; he wasn't
too comfortable with that either, however I think he has only good memories of the "chooch" because when I show him photos from that day, even if it is of the bears, he says "CHOOCH!" He loves trains!

When we weren't busy with exciting things, we hung out around the house and had some delicious food! Eliot wanted to watch Papa Dick do some grilling so I took him outside to see; that's when he found Nana's garden ducks. He loved playing with Nana's garden ducks!

And this is Eliot needing to be cleaned up in Nana's laundry sink after painting himself with pudding:

These are actually from the Thursday before Memorial Day Weekend. Eliot thought it would be fun to put his cookie in his digger and eat out of it:

I just also want to note that this Memorial Day meant just a little bit more to me than Memorial Days in the past. I had just (weeks before) photographed a Memorial Celebration for a fallen hero; an American soldier who lost his life in Iraq while fighting for our Country. I want to say a GIANT THANK YOU to the Men and Women who have sacrificed their lives to fight for our country and keep us free, although, a simple 'thank you' could never be enough.