(Still trying to catch up here), August was over in the blink of an eye--or so it felt. I think that's kind of always how the Summer goes. Eliot spent a lot of time outdoors and at the park with our awesome babysitter Christina while I worked either photographing weddings, or editing them.
Eliot did have the chance to go to a camp put on by his Fox-Hill Preschool though and that was super fun for him. They did all sorts of arts and crafts and reading on rainy days and lots and lots of outdoor sprinkler play on sunny days. On their very last day of Camp, they went on a field trip to the beach! Eliot loves the water-- beach, lake, pool (big or small), sprinkler, or even rain-- it doesn't matter, he loves to play in water! (Funny how getting him to take a bath lately is so challenging).
Ted and I really try to make a point of finding things to do as a family. I think this is the age where memories really start to stick so we want him to remember a childhood full of fun adventures, trips, events, fairs, parks, etc. We found two kind of cool things to do in August.
First, one of my very best friends, Kerri, invited us to come and see her compete in a 1950's "Pin-up Contest." It was kind of an event where everyone came to show off their classic cards and the women dressed as 50's ladies. Eliot had fun looking at the cars (and looking at the ladies!). We ended the VERY hot event with some nice cold ice cream.

(The Lovely Kerri)
Another great friend of mine, Chad, let us know about the Peabody Mayor's Picnic where there would be some cool and fun things to do so we went there for a little while too on (thankfully) a cooler day! I think I'd be lying if I said that Eliot had more fun than I did making bracelets at the carts and crafts table!
(Me & Chad)